Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thanks! Day 7

Well, folks, last night's presidential election bummed me out. And today I'm thankful for freedom of speech! I'm extremely bummed by the results, but that doesn't change the outcome. I was hoping for "change"but it looks like 4 more years of the same: our growing national deficit, the economy continuing to tank, Obamacare affecting MY healthcare and not for the better, increased taxes because our family is financially successful, and sanctity of human life not being protected.

All I can do is pray for those in leadership. Serious prayer.


  1. Makes me worried about the upcoming generation seeing that working hard only makes you pay more. Why work hard when the government will provide everything? Scary.

  2. Seriously. Let's punish those that are successful and make money. Makes no sense to me at all. I know one person on FB say that there should be a cap for being able to make 5 million a year. After that, the rest goes to the government. It's like, seriously? Who thinks of things like that.
