Friday, November 2, 2012

Thanks Day 2

While I'm not big into Facebook, I do like that I am able to "stay in touch" with old friends along with family. I'm not very active in posting on my own page, but I do enjoy following certain people. I will admit, I do keep a few people  as my friend only because they keep things entertaining. Sad, huh? One person in particular complains nearly every day, sometimes multiple times a day about how rough her day has been with her child not napping, one kid being sick and feeling the need for chocolate. Seriously? There are bigger things that other people are dealing with that do not even compare. And while everyone is entitled to feel the way that they feel, I do appreciate her occasional "I really am blessed" posts.

This bring me to day 2 of what I'm thankful for and that would be my wonderful little home. I call it little because to me it feels little! My husband previously lived in this house before we were married and thankfully didn't do a lot to it. So when I moved in, let's just say, it went from looking like just a man lived here to, it looks like a woman lives here! I'm thankful that he let me take the lead and decorate to my liking. Lucky for him, I don't decorate "too girly". :)

My kitchen/breakfast area is probably my favorite part. I love the color on the wall and the white mixed with the dark brown just ties it all together. 

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