Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanks - Day #4

We've had more fussiness in our house over the past few days. Baby Awesome hasn't been feeling so awesome. And today I'm thankful for modern medicine. While I don't remember what it's like to have teeth coming in, I have no doubt that it's extremely painful! But thankfully for modern medicine, we can help them out while in their time of need!

While he's teething, our regime that has helped is this:

1. Hyland's Teething Tablets - Oh where would we be without you?

2. Infant Tylenol - Okay, so it's the generic version. But man, this has been a lifesaver over the past few days.

3. Stretchy Puppy - I love this little guy and so does my little man! He loves to chew on it's nose.

4. Sleep - Lots of it!

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