Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Whaley Cute Birthday Party!

Happy 1st birthday to my favorite little man! I cannot believe how fast his first year has come and gone. Boy do we have some great memories. :) Being a first time mom, I never knew how sappy of a mom I would be, but I can tell you this, I am one of those moms! Preparing for the party was very bittersweet. I'm excited to see who my little man will become. But I sure do miss the itty bitty baby boy that he once was. I enjoy the baby stage so much. The cuddles and snuggles, 2am feedings (yes, I actually do miss this sometimes!), wondering if I'm ever going to sleep again (and yes, I did), and wondering how long he's actually going to nap at each nap.

I don't post photos of Baby A on Facebook for various reasons, but wanted to share some photos from his party for family and close friends to see. We went with the "whale" theme given a onesie he had at 3 months that said "I'm whaley cute". And I think whales are just too cute to use for a little man's birthday party!

So without further adieu, Baby A's first whaley cute birthday party:

I made this door sign using Photoshop along with a few downloads from Etsy.

Our entry table hosted photos of Baby A from the past year and included this little whale picture that I created on Photoshop using the same graphics I purchased on Etsy. 


My favorite was our mantel. Each month I took a photo of him in a white onesie with a month sticker on it. I then had them printed out from Mpix and strung them with a thick string.


I created this banner also on Photoshop (I love Photoshop). The sign said "Happy 1st Birthday Austin". 

I created the "austin is 1" sign with my new Silhouette Cameo. 

Baby A's party hat that he had no interest in wearing. I also made the sign below that says "i am 1". Yes, again, Photoshop (smile).

When we had our gender reveal party back in July 2011, a local bakery created the cake for us. The cake turned out so cute and was delicious that we had to use them again for his 1st birthday. They created this smash cake with a whale fin on it. 

And here is the "big" cake that was layered on the inside in blue and green. The whale was made out of fondant icing. 

Baby A  getting ready to smash his cake!

And he loved it! We only let him have a few bites before taking it away. But he thoroughly enjoyed it.

And what party wouldn't be complete without opening a few presents? Baby A is greatly blessed and received so many fun toys and clothes! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thanks! Day 9

A little late, but that's okay!

Today, I'm thankful for Fridays. Just something about wrapping up the week, looking forward to the weekend and being lazy that I love.

We have nothing planned this weekend, which is nice. We'll get to sit back, relax and enjoy the nice weather.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Day 8

 Today I'm thankful for a new group that I'm apart of: MOPS. It's been so much fun to meet other moms and have things to do just about every week. The group I'm apart of is very laid back but filled with other moms that I have things in common. A few of us even have kids within a few months of each other.

I'm excited to make new friends, as getting older, making new friends seems harder and the effort is that much more. Some days I don't want to put forth the effort to make new friends, but going to MOPS and attending their weekly activities forces me to build on the relationships.

Baby Awesome loves going to Moppets most days. The past 2 times now he's cried when I've dropped him. Today he was even crying when I picked him up. Poor guy was so tired from missing his morning nap. But he always seems to pass out before we can even get out of the parking lot! The above photo was taken at Baby A's first day with one of his teachers.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thanks! Day 7

Well, folks, last night's presidential election bummed me out. And today I'm thankful for freedom of speech! I'm extremely bummed by the results, but that doesn't change the outcome. I was hoping for "change"but it looks like 4 more years of the same: our growing national deficit, the economy continuing to tank, Obamacare affecting MY healthcare and not for the better, increased taxes because our family is financially successful, and sanctity of human life not being protected.

All I can do is pray for those in leadership. Serious prayer.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanks! Day 6

Did you?

Today I'm reminded of why I love America. We are land of the free and home of the brave. And I'm so thankful to live in a country where I can help determine who will be our leader for the next 4 years. I'm thankful for what this country has stood for: freedom. And I'm thankful for the men and women who continue to fight every day for our freedom and those who have.

Tonight I'll probably be glued to the tv, folding clothes, watching to see who will lead this country for the next 4 years. Now if you haven't yet, GO VOTE!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thanks! Day 5

 Today I'm so thankful for my sister-in-law, Jess. She takes a huge load off my shoulders by helping me with Baby Awesome.

When Baby A was about 4 months old, I had a really tough day with him. Fussy, not happy, just an off day for us. And on top of that, my husband was not going to be home to help me put him to bed, and I was emotionally drained. She took time away from her family and came over to my house for an hour or two just to hold Baby A so that I could get a Momma break. When she left, I felt energized and so glad to have her in my life.

Today I was reminded again of that day many months ago. Baby A has been extremely fussy and just not himself lately. He's crying over everything from his bath, to being changed, going in his car seat and being put on the floor so I can use the restroom. Today I met my SIL and niece at Michaels so I could look around and spend money on Christmas stuff. She again took a huge load off my shoulders and carried around Baby A so I could shop. She didn't buy anything, she wasn't there to shop for herself. She kept my son entertained so I could have some downtime, and I really appreciate that about her!

She's definitely the sister I never had, and I'm so grateful that they live close by and the friendship that we have developed over the years.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanks - Day #4

We've had more fussiness in our house over the past few days. Baby Awesome hasn't been feeling so awesome. And today I'm thankful for modern medicine. While I don't remember what it's like to have teeth coming in, I have no doubt that it's extremely painful! But thankfully for modern medicine, we can help them out while in their time of need!

While he's teething, our regime that has helped is this:

1. Hyland's Teething Tablets - Oh where would we be without you?

2. Infant Tylenol - Okay, so it's the generic version. But man, this has been a lifesaver over the past few days.

3. Stretchy Puppy - I love this little guy and so does my little man! He loves to chew on it's nose.

4. Sleep - Lots of it!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thanks! Day 3

Today, I'll admit, I'm feeling a little grouchy! You should be grouchy, it's Saturday, you say! But I am, nonetheless. And I wish I wasn't. My little man has been under the weather this week which leads to 2 things: fussiness and cabin fever. While his temperature has come down, his fussiness is still around. I am going with the notion that he is teething.

And even while he's fussy, I still love my little man. I am so thankful that he has been such an easy baby to have! He loves to laugh and smile at me. I really can't have a bad day when he's around because he just makes me feel better. And while I'm writing this, he's taking his long (wishful thinking) afternoon nap. I'm praying to the nap gods that he will get a nice little nap this afternoon. Momma wants to go Christmas decor shopping!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thanks Day 2

While I'm not big into Facebook, I do like that I am able to "stay in touch" with old friends along with family. I'm not very active in posting on my own page, but I do enjoy following certain people. I will admit, I do keep a few people  as my friend only because they keep things entertaining. Sad, huh? One person in particular complains nearly every day, sometimes multiple times a day about how rough her day has been with her child not napping, one kid being sick and feeling the need for chocolate. Seriously? There are bigger things that other people are dealing with that do not even compare. And while everyone is entitled to feel the way that they feel, I do appreciate her occasional "I really am blessed" posts.

This bring me to day 2 of what I'm thankful for and that would be my wonderful little home. I call it little because to me it feels little! My husband previously lived in this house before we were married and thankfully didn't do a lot to it. So when I moved in, let's just say, it went from looking like just a man lived here to, it looks like a woman lives here! I'm thankful that he let me take the lead and decorate to my liking. Lucky for him, I don't decorate "too girly". :)

My kitchen/breakfast area is probably my favorite part. I love the color on the wall and the white mixed with the dark brown just ties it all together. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanks #1

It's November! Can you believe it? This year has flown by all thanks to my new little man.

2 years ago at this time, I was on my fabulous honeymoon on the impressive World Ship.

1 year ago, we were taking our maternity photos back at Horseshoe Bay where we were married and preparing the arrival of Baby Awesome.

This year I'm at home, taking care of my 10 month old son who isn't feeling very well. Amazing how life changes, huh?

And speaking of November 1st and this little guy, for my first day of thanks, I'm thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my little man. I take for granted the opportunity to be home with him every day and get a chance to watch him grow up. My husband has given me the opportunity to do so by working so hard to provide for us, and I'm so thankful. I know that there are many days that he'd rather stay home and play with Baby Awesome than go to work! But I appreciate and am thankful for the fact that I am given this chance and opportunity.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Little Family Fun

This past weekend we took a family trip to Sea World with my parents and my brother and his wife and daughter. We had so much fun! Baby Awesome did awesome traveling along with sleeping well at night and while we were at Sea World. I don't know why I underestimate his awesome adaptability.

We had a great time watching the One World show (Shamu's amazing flips and tricks) and Azul with all the dolphins and acrobatic water tricks. Amazing! The kids were amazed and so were we, the adults!

While I await photos from my sister-in-law (no rush, Jess!), I thought I'd share the photos that we took.

The "kids" excited about going to Sea World:

 Our attempt at a pumpkin patch photo. Poor Austin was getting poked by the hay.

Morning nap for Austin! He was such a trooper. My arms about fell off, but he was too comfy to move him.

So excited about seeing Azul!

He couldn't keep his eyes off the dolphins doing flips.

He enjoyed watching the dolphins upside down.

After getting our bellies full, we headed over to the Monster Mash to watch some of the Sesame Street characters dance and sing.

 My niece loved it!

Our little thumb sucker! 

I hope your weekend was as fun as ours was!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Christmas Day 2011

I've been meaning to write about this for a while. And since Baby Awesome is down for his nap, I thought now would be a good time to talk about it.

When I was pregnant with Baby Awesome, I had envisioned how I wanted the birth to go. My husband and I took the "Preparing for Childbirth" class at the hospital. And after the weekend was over, I told my husband, I think I'll try to go all natural. (ie no medication). He thought that sounded awesome! Of course he did! He wasn't the one bearing the pain. LOL.

My due date was December 21, but for some reason, I figured this baby would come on Christmas.  Christmas Eve morning, I woke up and started having contractions and bleeding. I panicked, told my husband we needed to head to the hospital, so off we went. Now, I just want to preface by saying I was having braxton hick contractions since week 28. And these contractions were definitely different. So off to the hospital we went. We get there and the nurse says, nope, go back home. I'm only dilated 1cm, contractions by this point were coming and going, so we head back home.

This Christmas Eve, we had decided to not make any plans with family. The previous weekend, we had celebrated with my side of the family. And we had no plans (typical - the in-laws like to wing it) with my husband's family. So we spend the day at home, thinking we'd watch the Cowboys, maybe attend the Christmas Eve service at church, depending on how I was feeling. Well, that evening I spent on the couch, watching the Boys play. My husband was busy wrapping gifts and whatnot. I remember talking with my mom on the phone at one point and would have to pause every so often as I could feel a contraction. My parents live roughly 4 hours away. And they were planning on coming down once I got admitted to the hospital. Well, after our phone conversation, Mom knew that they needed to come on down and check into their hotel.

Around 8:30, I was monitoring the contractions and they seemed to be 3-5 minutes apart for a good solid hour. Awesome. I tell my husband, ok, for real this time! We head down to the hospital (thankfully only 15 minutes away) and I get brought in to the triage room. Another nurse hooks me up to the monitors and proceeds to check me. I'm a 2cm! Woohoo! But they won't admit me until I'm at least a 4 or 5cm being a first time Mom. WHAT?! By this point, my pain was picking up. Based on my phone's calculations, the contractions were every 3-5 minutes apart. Well, according to the monitor, the nurse said that they weren't steady enough. So she calls me doctor who says to go walk around for a while and come back to be checked. So, off my husband and I walk. An hour later we head back into the room to be checked. Still 2cm and my contractions still weren't consistent enough for them to admit.

What to do? The nurse says I'm a first time mom and I can be in pre-labor for days. They can prescribe me Ambien to help me sleep. It'll lessen the pain some, but to just go home and sleep.

I take Ambien at roughly 10:45pm and get home around 11pm and my husband gets me in bed. I really can't sleep. I probably dozed. I woke up and took Tylenol wondering when the pain would lessen. I mean, really? Apparently I was IN LABOR but not enough to be admitted to the hospital. (Who makes these rules, I mean, seriously?!) My husband comes into the room at one point to see if I wanted a bath to help with the pain. I remember tracking my contractions at this point. 1-2 minutes apart, lasting 60-90 seconds. Oh yes. I finally tell my husband, I guess take me back. Maybe I'll be dilated enough to be admitted. I seriously was concerned that they would send me home for the 3rd time! I thought I was going to have this baby on the floor in our bathroom.

So off we head. It's 3am! The pain was so unbearable.  I thought I was going to die. I thought to myself, if I'm not in actual labor, I'm screwed because this is awful!

I barely make it into the hospital. I tell my husband to go ahead and get someone. I make it to a seat before someone is sent with a wheelchair. They wheel me back to triage to "check" me before hooking me up to a monitor. Surely they can tell by my wet hair and wet clothes that either A. my water broke or B. I'm in active labor and this baby is coming literally any minute.

The nurse (same one previously) checks me and no lie says, "You're about to have a baby!" I still think to myself, "No crap, lady!"

At that moment, things were moving so fast! I just remember them pulling me out of the little triage room and hauling me to a labor and delivery room. Once I arrived in my own little room, I was greeted by about 5 nurses. The lights were on. This was showtime! I don't remember much. They hooked me up to an IV. I remember my husband asking several questions, "Can I put my contacts in, Do I have time to get our things out of the car like our camera, I need to call your mom, Will she get an epidural."

My doctor showed up so fast. Well, this wasn't my actual doctor, but the on-call doc for my practice, who I really liked! Thankfully he lived about 2 minutes away. Merry Christmas, Doc! I remember him walking in and I was basically like, Sorry I couldn't wait, but I need to get this baby out. He said, go for it. So without an epidural, 3 pushes later and our little man arrived! The doctor called me a rockstar. I had no time for an epidural and by the time I arrived at the hospital, I was complete. I had gone through the hardest part without drugs. So the ending was honestly not as bad. You are so looking forward to just getting the baby out, that nothing else matters.

I was apparently a rockstar. All the nurses that I came in contact with along with any pediatricians or workers that came into my room knew my story. Of all their deliveries there, they had never seen anyone deliver as quickly as I did.  I was told that it's called precipitous labor. That's something that they don't talk about in your child birth classes! I am thankful that they were so well staffed since my son chose to come on Christmas morning. We had one nurse that took so many photos for us, so that my husband could be at my side.

The Ambien really blurred my thinking though. While I wasn't tired from taking it, I felt drugged. I thankfully have photos that are timestamped to look back on to know when something happened (like Baby Awesome's bath), when our parents came in that day, it was 7:30AM!  My son is 100% healthy. He did suffer a bi-lateral cephalahematoma that took about a month to reside.

There's a part of me that mourns the loss of the delivery that I did not have. The photos taken after the delivery of my husband, son and me were not the most flattering. I looked like a crazy woman! I had seen some of my friends with the beautiful photos after the fact. As I mentioned above, I have a hard time remembering things from the birth. I felt numb and emotionless.

While I'm thankful that my son arrived healthy, I'm having to let go of the way I wanted his birth to go.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I don't know about you, but some days, well most days, I feel like I have ADD. I can't focus on one thing at a time. Now you might say, multi-tasking is a good thing. I don't agree necessarily. The fault for trying to multitask is that I feel like I never get anything done!

Example. Do you ever get on the internet to do something in particular, say, create a photobook of your child for a specific timeframe and end up with 10 tabs on your browser open consisting of the possibility: pinterest, Facebook, online stores, etc, followed by iPhoto open with photos that have nothing to do with the project you've set out to do?

I'm a pro at thinking, if I just purchase XYZ for a DIY project, it'll complete itself. Or if I just think myself 10lbs lighter, I'll wake up tomorrow, and I'll be there. I don't lack the gift of positive thinking, for sure!

I've learned that sometimes starting a project is a lot harder than actually finishing it. Taking that one additional step once I begin the project will put me that much more closer to finishing it.

For some reason, I don't remember the whole point of this post, but that just goes to show you, my mind has already skipped ahead to something new!

Any now, back to my photobook...

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pinterest Inspired: Fall Wreath

Fall is in the air. I love the feeling outside when the air gets a little cooler and a little more crisp. Since I live in the Houston area, we don't get to experience the fullness of seasons as I would like. But I can still enjoy my Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and dream of the 60 degree weather.

My sister-in-law, Jessica, and I get to see each other at least once a week. We periodically do craft days. I love them! Our last craft day consisted of making wreaths.

This is her blog write-up about her wreath.

My inspiration came from "Living with Lindsay"

Jess's inspiration came from "That's so Cuegly" blog.

How different are we? I love it!

My finished product:

While I'm not 100% satisfied with mine, I think it needs so more fillers, I am enjoying it so far! 

Jess's finished product turned out awesome:

Stay tuned for our next craft day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

only because...

He's just so darn cute. One day he'll see this photo and say, "Mom, you're embarrassing me." But until then...

filling my friend cup

Some weeks, my friend cup is empty. While I've lived in this "new" town now for nearly 2 years, my friend cup can go empty. The one saving grace where I live is the luxury of having my brother, sister-in-law and niece within 20 minutes of us. It's been awesome! And while I love hanging out with my sister-in-law and niece, I'm sure I can't suck up all her time. Even though I'd love to, only because I love hanging out with them.

So while my husband was away on his man trip, I took Baby Awesome, and we headed up north to the Big D. Yes, I braved the 4 hour drive alone with a 7 month old. Ah, home. It's like the minute I see the skyline, my heart skips a beat. And while I sometime forget how much I hate driving on I-35, it's worth it when I get to see so many of friends and family.

Friday I was able to leave Baby Awesome with my mom and and head out with my friends to see the musical, Chicago. While I was excited about seeing the show, I was more excited about hanging out with my friends. I think I wanted to talk more than anything! Going to dinner and being able to enjoy a margarita along with some much needed Mexican food was just what I needed! Maybe not what my diet needed, but that's another story.

And Saturday was spent hanging out with two of my other friends, enjoying a burger at one of our local hangouts: Village Burger Bar. Back when I lived in Big D, my friend D and I would enjoy a blue burger and their sweet potato fries while watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette and watching guys and gals "accept this rose?". So being able to go back to my 'hood was exciting and yet still pinches my heart. Pretty much my entire "adult" life has been spent at the Shops at Legacy. It was the second place I moved out of college, and it's where I stayed until I got married. Roughly six years of my life spent within a 3 mile radius, it seems. And being back just made me miss it all that much more.

Saturday evening mom and I got to sit back and just be after Baby Awesome went down for the night. It seems that sometimes not doing anything after he goes to bed is just what I need! And that we did. Oh, along with our bowl of Braum's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream.

We headed out Sunday after grabbing a bite to eat and stopping at Carters to partake in the tax free weekend. Thank you, Nana for all the new sleepers that Baby Awesome will soon be wearing. What weekend would not be complete without shopping with Nana? It's another weekend activity that I truly miss being 4 hours apart.

How was your weekend? Hopefully as fulfilling as mine!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

surf's up! closet dividers

Back when I was pregnant, and we found out that we were having a boy, we decided on a surf board theme for our little man's room. My husband loves to surf, given he lived in LA for about 8 years back in his college days. And we both love to spend time at the beach.

Wanting to recreate closet dividers for his closet that I saw on Pinterest, my sister-in-law helped me with these.

We ended up using wooden cut-outs that were on clearance at Michael's. We found scrapbook paper with the surf theme and got to tracing out the cut-out followed by cutting the paper down to size. Mod Podge was our best friend after we had painted the dividers first. Lastly, using the Silhouette machine, we were able to cut out the sizes and Mod Podge those on as well. We then sealed it all with our favorite Mod Podge and let dry.

it's those little smiles

This little man has me smiling every single day throughout the day. I mean, how could you not look at this little face and not smile?!

He makes my day!

breast is best

For those that know me, I'm a proud breastfeeding Mom. While I believe breast is best, I'm not closed off to the thought of others using formula. While I'd rather not use, I know that with breastfeeding can come complications and difficulties where the mom resorts to formula. Heck, I even give my kid some every few days in his evening bottle. For a few months, he did receive 1 bottle of formula for his evening feed while my husband would put him to sleep.

Just recently, the AAP came out with new breastfeeding guidelines: Breast-Only is Best for 6 Months. Meaning exclusive. You can read about some of the findings on the Parenting website. Following this new release, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched a new campaign, Latch on NYC. Here's the general overview:

  • Enforce the New York State hospital regulation to not supplement breastfeeding infants with formula unless medically indicated and documented on the infant’s medical chart
  • Limit access to infant formula by hospital staff
  • Discontinue the distribution of promotional or free infant formula
  • Prohibit the display and distribution of infant formula advertising or promotional materials in any hospital location
I think these are all great initiatives to help suppose moms with their decision to breastfeed. 

The hospital where I delivered Baby Awesome is pro-breast and have a great lactation center  with readily available lactation consultants. I know two came by while I was there. And while I know other moms have mentioned that their hospitals sent them home with formula and even tried to feed their baby formula, the word "formula" was never mentioned to me except on the form I filled out to let them know whether I'd be breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

I definitely think that the body knows what to do when breastfeeding. For a while, I felt like I lacked supply and would take herbs and drinks gallons of water to up my supply. I was hardly getting any sleep at night, up every 1-2 hours. It was a real struggle there. I had some people who tried to relieve the pressure that I placed on myself for wanting to breastfeed but suggesting that I just wean him and give him formula. I think I would have felt worse by doing so. But in the end, I noticed a huge jump in supply when I started getting more sleep! (Note to self on allowing my husband to help with night feeds so I can get more adequate with the next one!) I could have easily given up at 6 weeks. But I pushed through it, and now 7 months later, I'm still able to breastfeed like I was originally hoping.

While breastfeeding isn't for everyone, it's definitely something that I'm proud to be able to do for my son and hopefully for other future children we might have.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yay for Sleep!

Just an exciting note that after nearly 7 months, Baby A slept through the entire night last night from 6pm - 6am. I am so excited! Now, if we can only continue this. This momma just might get her sleep life back, well, sorta!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

all the fussiness is worth it!

Poor little guy! He cut both teeth, one day apart. He's not normally a fussy guy, except when he's overly tired. So this past week, he was real fussy, not sleeping great and just hard to please. Friday, woke up with his first tooth! Followed by Saturday morning and here's what we are dealing with.

His first two teeth!

Friday, July 6, 2012

6 months!

Where has the time gone? 6 months has come and gone so fast. My little man is not as little as he once was. He was born early Christmas morning after a very quick labor and delivery. At some point, I'll write out the details, as it was pretty intense and crazy! He was 7lb 1oz when born and now weighs 15lbs and 11oz. He was 19 1/2in tall when born and now 27 3/4in tall. He's tall and skinny! More and more he's starting look more like my husband with adorable features like the way his little ears poke out the side of his head.
I have several nicknames for him that include monkey boy, a definite term of endearment considering my mom called us kids "monkey" kids. Boogie Bear, considering he liked to "boogie" while I would change him. And lastly, Baby Bear.
He enjoys his Baby Einstein Baby Jumper, particularly the "sun" and red fish. He loves to read. His favorite book is "Where is Baby's Belly Button." He squeals when he sees it.
He's such a happy little man that brings so much joy to my heart. I can't imagine not having him be apart of my life. I'm thankful that I'm given this opportunity to be his Mom and to love and care for him.
Here are a few photos of his 6 month shots: