I don't know about you, but some days, well most days, I feel like I have ADD. I can't focus on one thing at a time. Now you might say, multi-tasking is a good thing. I don't agree necessarily. The fault for trying to multitask is that I feel like I never get anything done!
Example. Do you ever get on the internet to do something in particular, say, create a photobook of your child for a specific timeframe and end up with 10 tabs on your browser open consisting of the possibility: pinterest, Facebook, online stores, etc, followed by iPhoto open with photos that have nothing to do with the project you've set out to do?
I'm a pro at thinking, if I just purchase XYZ for a DIY project, it'll complete itself. Or if I just think myself 10lbs lighter, I'll wake up tomorrow, and I'll be there. I don't lack the gift of positive thinking, for sure!
I've learned that sometimes starting a project is a lot harder than actually finishing it. Taking that one additional step once I begin the project will put me that much more closer to finishing it.
For some reason, I don't remember the whole point of this post, but that just goes to show you, my mind has already skipped ahead to something new!
Any now, back to my photobook...
Happy Wednesday!
I know EXACTLY what you mean!