We had a great time watching the One World show (Shamu's amazing flips and tricks) and Azul with all the dolphins and acrobatic water tricks. Amazing! The kids were amazed and so were we, the adults!
While I await photos from my sister-in-law (no rush, Jess!), I thought I'd share the photos that we took.
The "kids" excited about going to Sea World:
Our attempt at a pumpkin patch photo. Poor Austin was getting poked by the hay.

Morning nap for Austin! He was such a trooper. My arms about fell off, but he was too comfy to move him.
So excited about seeing Azul!
He couldn't keep his eyes off the dolphins doing flips.
He enjoyed watching the dolphins upside down.
After getting our bellies full, we headed over to the Monster Mash to watch some of the Sesame Street characters dance and sing.
Our little thumb sucker!
I hope your weekend was as fun as ours was!
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