Thursday, August 9, 2012

breast is best

For those that know me, I'm a proud breastfeeding Mom. While I believe breast is best, I'm not closed off to the thought of others using formula. While I'd rather not use, I know that with breastfeeding can come complications and difficulties where the mom resorts to formula. Heck, I even give my kid some every few days in his evening bottle. For a few months, he did receive 1 bottle of formula for his evening feed while my husband would put him to sleep.

Just recently, the AAP came out with new breastfeeding guidelines: Breast-Only is Best for 6 Months. Meaning exclusive. You can read about some of the findings on the Parenting website. Following this new release, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched a new campaign, Latch on NYC. Here's the general overview:

  • Enforce the New York State hospital regulation to not supplement breastfeeding infants with formula unless medically indicated and documented on the infant’s medical chart
  • Limit access to infant formula by hospital staff
  • Discontinue the distribution of promotional or free infant formula
  • Prohibit the display and distribution of infant formula advertising or promotional materials in any hospital location
I think these are all great initiatives to help suppose moms with their decision to breastfeed. 

The hospital where I delivered Baby Awesome is pro-breast and have a great lactation center  with readily available lactation consultants. I know two came by while I was there. And while I know other moms have mentioned that their hospitals sent them home with formula and even tried to feed their baby formula, the word "formula" was never mentioned to me except on the form I filled out to let them know whether I'd be breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

I definitely think that the body knows what to do when breastfeeding. For a while, I felt like I lacked supply and would take herbs and drinks gallons of water to up my supply. I was hardly getting any sleep at night, up every 1-2 hours. It was a real struggle there. I had some people who tried to relieve the pressure that I placed on myself for wanting to breastfeed but suggesting that I just wean him and give him formula. I think I would have felt worse by doing so. But in the end, I noticed a huge jump in supply when I started getting more sleep! (Note to self on allowing my husband to help with night feeds so I can get more adequate with the next one!) I could have easily given up at 6 weeks. But I pushed through it, and now 7 months later, I'm still able to breastfeed like I was originally hoping.

While breastfeeding isn't for everyone, it's definitely something that I'm proud to be able to do for my son and hopefully for other future children we might have.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard this. Kudos to Mayor B for this. The free promotional mail outs and such I think are a big reason why ladies give up. They have a "stash" already so the cost of the formula isn't as issue, just a quick relief from breastfeeding.
