Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thanks! Day 9

A little late, but that's okay!

Today, I'm thankful for Fridays. Just something about wrapping up the week, looking forward to the weekend and being lazy that I love.

We have nothing planned this weekend, which is nice. We'll get to sit back, relax and enjoy the nice weather.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Day 8

 Today I'm thankful for a new group that I'm apart of: MOPS. It's been so much fun to meet other moms and have things to do just about every week. The group I'm apart of is very laid back but filled with other moms that I have things in common. A few of us even have kids within a few months of each other.

I'm excited to make new friends, as getting older, making new friends seems harder and the effort is that much more. Some days I don't want to put forth the effort to make new friends, but going to MOPS and attending their weekly activities forces me to build on the relationships.

Baby Awesome loves going to Moppets most days. The past 2 times now he's cried when I've dropped him. Today he was even crying when I picked him up. Poor guy was so tired from missing his morning nap. But he always seems to pass out before we can even get out of the parking lot! The above photo was taken at Baby A's first day with one of his teachers.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thanks! Day 7

Well, folks, last night's presidential election bummed me out. And today I'm thankful for freedom of speech! I'm extremely bummed by the results, but that doesn't change the outcome. I was hoping for "change"but it looks like 4 more years of the same: our growing national deficit, the economy continuing to tank, Obamacare affecting MY healthcare and not for the better, increased taxes because our family is financially successful, and sanctity of human life not being protected.

All I can do is pray for those in leadership. Serious prayer.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanks! Day 6

Did you?

Today I'm reminded of why I love America. We are land of the free and home of the brave. And I'm so thankful to live in a country where I can help determine who will be our leader for the next 4 years. I'm thankful for what this country has stood for: freedom. And I'm thankful for the men and women who continue to fight every day for our freedom and those who have.

Tonight I'll probably be glued to the tv, folding clothes, watching to see who will lead this country for the next 4 years. Now if you haven't yet, GO VOTE!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thanks! Day 5

 Today I'm so thankful for my sister-in-law, Jess. She takes a huge load off my shoulders by helping me with Baby Awesome.

When Baby A was about 4 months old, I had a really tough day with him. Fussy, not happy, just an off day for us. And on top of that, my husband was not going to be home to help me put him to bed, and I was emotionally drained. She took time away from her family and came over to my house for an hour or two just to hold Baby A so that I could get a Momma break. When she left, I felt energized and so glad to have her in my life.

Today I was reminded again of that day many months ago. Baby A has been extremely fussy and just not himself lately. He's crying over everything from his bath, to being changed, going in his car seat and being put on the floor so I can use the restroom. Today I met my SIL and niece at Michaels so I could look around and spend money on Christmas stuff. She again took a huge load off my shoulders and carried around Baby A so I could shop. She didn't buy anything, she wasn't there to shop for herself. She kept my son entertained so I could have some downtime, and I really appreciate that about her!

She's definitely the sister I never had, and I'm so grateful that they live close by and the friendship that we have developed over the years.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanks - Day #4

We've had more fussiness in our house over the past few days. Baby Awesome hasn't been feeling so awesome. And today I'm thankful for modern medicine. While I don't remember what it's like to have teeth coming in, I have no doubt that it's extremely painful! But thankfully for modern medicine, we can help them out while in their time of need!

While he's teething, our regime that has helped is this:

1. Hyland's Teething Tablets - Oh where would we be without you?

2. Infant Tylenol - Okay, so it's the generic version. But man, this has been a lifesaver over the past few days.

3. Stretchy Puppy - I love this little guy and so does my little man! He loves to chew on it's nose.

4. Sleep - Lots of it!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thanks! Day 3

Today, I'll admit, I'm feeling a little grouchy! You should be grouchy, it's Saturday, you say! But I am, nonetheless. And I wish I wasn't. My little man has been under the weather this week which leads to 2 things: fussiness and cabin fever. While his temperature has come down, his fussiness is still around. I am going with the notion that he is teething.

And even while he's fussy, I still love my little man. I am so thankful that he has been such an easy baby to have! He loves to laugh and smile at me. I really can't have a bad day when he's around because he just makes me feel better. And while I'm writing this, he's taking his long (wishful thinking) afternoon nap. I'm praying to the nap gods that he will get a nice little nap this afternoon. Momma wants to go Christmas decor shopping!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thanks Day 2

While I'm not big into Facebook, I do like that I am able to "stay in touch" with old friends along with family. I'm not very active in posting on my own page, but I do enjoy following certain people. I will admit, I do keep a few people  as my friend only because they keep things entertaining. Sad, huh? One person in particular complains nearly every day, sometimes multiple times a day about how rough her day has been with her child not napping, one kid being sick and feeling the need for chocolate. Seriously? There are bigger things that other people are dealing with that do not even compare. And while everyone is entitled to feel the way that they feel, I do appreciate her occasional "I really am blessed" posts.

This bring me to day 2 of what I'm thankful for and that would be my wonderful little home. I call it little because to me it feels little! My husband previously lived in this house before we were married and thankfully didn't do a lot to it. So when I moved in, let's just say, it went from looking like just a man lived here to, it looks like a woman lives here! I'm thankful that he let me take the lead and decorate to my liking. Lucky for him, I don't decorate "too girly". :)

My kitchen/breakfast area is probably my favorite part. I love the color on the wall and the white mixed with the dark brown just ties it all together. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanks #1

It's November! Can you believe it? This year has flown by all thanks to my new little man.

2 years ago at this time, I was on my fabulous honeymoon on the impressive World Ship.

1 year ago, we were taking our maternity photos back at Horseshoe Bay where we were married and preparing the arrival of Baby Awesome.

This year I'm at home, taking care of my 10 month old son who isn't feeling very well. Amazing how life changes, huh?

And speaking of November 1st and this little guy, for my first day of thanks, I'm thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my little man. I take for granted the opportunity to be home with him every day and get a chance to watch him grow up. My husband has given me the opportunity to do so by working so hard to provide for us, and I'm so thankful. I know that there are many days that he'd rather stay home and play with Baby Awesome than go to work! But I appreciate and am thankful for the fact that I am given this chance and opportunity.